Saturday, September 22, 2007

Fahrenheit 9/11

I caught this show during history DMP yesterday.

'Fahrenheit 9/11' is basically a movie proposing the conspiracy theory of George Bush. Personally the show gave me great insights and provided a clearer understanding of American politics. While all along I, along with perhaps the rest of the world, have been thinking that George Bush is but a incompetent president, I've realised I might be wrong -- incompetent as he may be, he may prove to be one hell of a cunning ***.

The show was meant to be humorous -- to gain attention I suppose. Personally I didn't really find it funny, esepcially not when the movie involved the Iraq war and bombings. I think it's scary, actually, that such a man, devoid of compassion, is put into such a position of power. He is unable to justify the reasons for waging war on Iraq and that's how the conspiracy theory came about anyway. His conflicting stands, wishy-washiness simply does not fit the profile of the president of the most powerful country in the world. What should happen if some day Bush were to claim the presence of chemical weapons in Singapore? I mean, it's not probable but hey, isn't that the whole point of CLE lessons on empathy? Like to understand how it's like to be in the other person's shoe? Gah.

Sigh all right enough of this emo-ness. So I had BCG presentation and lit lesson in school day.

The BCG presentations were pretty good. I thought the first team (envirob) was extremely impressive, and I wonder if my team will be able to cope if we were to undertake this project... Oh well if we get in we'll try our best. =)

Lit lesson was... short. It lasted for about an hour and it was more of a re-cap than anything else. During discussion Junyong and Hernwei told me i was being too aggressive... and I didn't even realise! I had absolutely no intent on showing aggression in any way... it was totally subconscious... Ok i really have to consciously check on my behaviour... Hmph.

Shall hardcore physics now! =)

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